We were called out to a customer's home recently for a clogged laundry sink drain. While my plumber was rodding the drain, this old bottle of drain cleaning chemical dropped from the shelf, hit the sink and splashed onto my plumbers face.
Read MoreOften times plumbers out there believe that "one pump fits all". This couldn't be further from the truth. When trying to decide on the sump or ejector pump that will make the most sense for you, you have to answer several questions? What are you going to be pumping?
Read MoreWow, I was sitting back, relaxing and I saw the actors in Breaking Bad fixing his own tankless water heater. What does that mean? Not too much, it is only a TV show but…….Every day we service all brands of tankless water heaters.
Read MoreDo you get what you pay for? That is a great question and the answer is usually yes. Let's now ask another question: How often do you get the best quality product, the best service and the friendliest service provider for the cheapest price? That is an easy one to answer as well..."Never!
Read MoreCBS 2 Chicago: 2 Investigators: New Study Casts Doubt on Lead Testing in Tap Water Watch CBS 2 Chicago's Video Report - click here. As you can see by the headlines, lead in our drinking water is a major concern. What are acceptable levels?
Read MoreThe Risks of Hiring a Side Jobber As a professionally run business, I naturally don't think much of employees doing side jobs. The first concern for me as the business owner is that the side jobber is taking away work from my company and our employees.
Read MoreThis is a HOT topic right now, "how to prevent your pipes from freezing".
Read MoreDid you hear about the carbon monoxide poisoning in Skokie, Illinois that left 12 people hospitalized? Here is WGN's coverage: http://my.chicagotribune.com/#section/-1/video/p2p-78613416/ I've written in the past about the dangers of Carbon Monoxide.
Read MoreIn today's economy, renovating your home can be much easier than purchasing a new home. To complete your renovation safely you should always remember that depending on when your home was built there may be a lot of unsafe building materials in your home.
Read MoreShould bottled water be illegal? I think so. As a plumber, a father, and what I consider to be a responsible human being, I think purchasing water in a plastic bottle is completely ridiculous, and irresponsible. I have written on this topic in the past, but I will just restate my reasoning.
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